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Five for Friday: Rudeness at work

By Hannah Price

2 min read

Five for Friday: Rudeness at work

Rudeness is toxic in a workplace. It leads to unhappy employees and lower quality, decreased productivity. And what's worse is that it's contagious. Rudeness is actually rising in the workplace. Here are five articles that will help you combat it: 

  1. @HarvardBiz explains why civility is considered a key leadership trait
  2. Do you have any of these 10 rude habits outlined by @TechRepublic?
  3. @Mind_Tools gives five top tips on how to deal with rudeness at work. 
  4. The worrying thing is that rudeness is contagious, says @aeonmag.
  5. @JenSunshine via @HuffPost explains why we need to break the rudeness cycle.

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Hannah Price

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