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Five for Friday: Burnout

2 min read

Five for Friday: Burnout

This week's Five for Friday is all about burning out at work; how to avoid it and what to do when it happens.

Most of us know what it's like to feel stressed at work. But burnout is different. It's the result of extreme levels of stress over an extended period of time, resulting in a sense of hopelessness and total demotivation. This Five for Friday is here to help you avoid that situation. 

  1. Here's the difference between stress and burnout from @VunelaHQ
  2. Do you have the tell-tale signs of burnout? @sbcarter shows us what to look for
  3. Use mindfulness to avoid burnout, says @BGraceBullock via @MindfulOnline
  4. What to do about burnout? @TrishMcFarlane has a few suggestions
  5. @Mind_Tools provides pointers on how to recover from burnout

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Hannah Price

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