Jostle Blog: Explore Employee Success Insights & Ideas

10 Employee performance goals and examples

Written by Nick Saraev | Aug 8, 2023 6:45:00 PM

Every organization relies on its employees to deliver quality work that meets or exceeds expectations. But without a clear understanding of what constitutes success for an employee, it can be difficult to measure performance and reward excellence.

Part of having an engaged, motivated, and productive workforce is setting performance goals that challenge employees to think critically, take initiative, reach their full potential, and contribute to the success of the organization.

While every individual, job, and organization is unique, a general framework for employee performance goals and examples can serve as a helpful guide for setting reasonable yet meaningful expectations.

This blog tackles different types of employee performance goals, along with examples to consider when crafting a strategy for your team.

1. SMART goals

The SMART goal-setting system is a popular framework for setting tangible, measurable goals that can be achieved in the desired timeframe. It provides clarity, structure, and direction, but it also makes tracking progress and rewarding wins, two of the most important factors in employee motivation, much simpler.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific: A goal should be specific enough to provide clear direction and avoid confusion. It doesn't have to be overly detailed, but employees should know exactly what is expected of them.
  • Measurable: A goal should be measurable so that progress can be tracked as work is completed. A metric like "secure 5 new clients in the next quarter" is more effective than "improve customer relations."
  • Achievable: A goal should be achievable and realistic given the resources available. Setting an overly ambitious goal may lead to frustration and burnout.
  • Relevant: A goal should be in line with the organization’s overall mission and vision. It should make sense in the context of an employee's job responsibilities and their team's objectives.
  • Time-bound: A goal should be given a defined timeline, whether it’s within the day or the quarter. Not only does it create a sense of urgency, but it also ensures that it is completed on time.

Some great examples of SMART goals for employees include:

  • Generate 10 new customer leads from Facebook per day within the week
  • Increase the number of customer service inquiries responded to in one day from 10 to 15 within the month
  • Reduce the number of customer complaints by 25% over the next three months

2. Communication goals

Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential in virtually every role, from customer service and marketing to software engineering and data analysis.

The ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders can not only improve results and performance but also help foster collaboration and create a better work environment.

Examples of communication goals include: 

  • Develop and deliver presentations and other materials with less than 5 mistakes or typos over the next two weeks
  • Improve response time to customer emails from 48 hours to 36 hours within the next two months
  • Sharpen public speaking skills by delivering at least one presentation per quarter

3. Time management goals

Time is a valuable commodity, and employees who can manage their workflows efficiently without sacrificing quality are invaluable.

Setting goals around time management is a great way to assess how well employees are using their available hours and identify areas for improvement. These goals are also meant to help employees stay organized and productive in order to manage their workloads better, complete projects on time, and ultimately, get more work done in less time.

Examples of time management goals include: 

  • Reduce overtime hours by 50% per month
  • Complete assigned tasks before or within the deadline 90% of the time within the next three months
  • Cut down design time for products by 20% over the next six months

4. Innovation goals

Most organizations rely on innovation to stay ahead of the competition by creating creative and unique solutions to problems. These businesses are likely to succeed when their employees are constantly looking for new ways to innovate and improve processes.

Innovation goals are designed to encourage employees to bring fresh ideas to the table, think outside the box, and come up with innovative solutions to existing and future problems.

Examples of innovation goals include: 

  • Brainstorm 10 new product ideas over the next month
  • Execute a new customer feedback system to increase customer satisfaction by 20% over the next three months
  • Implement new processes to increase efficiency in production by 20% in the next quarter

5. Leadership goals

A lot of hard work goes into managing a team and inspiring them to reach their highest potential. Setting leadership can help you identify potential leaders in your organization as they go about their daily tasks while measuring their progress over time.

Leadership goals should be centered around developing the necessary skills and behaviors for effectively managing teams and projects, along with fostering collaboration among team members and creating an environment where everyone can excel.

Examples of leadership goals include: 

  • Mentor two junior employees on how to become productive within three months
  • Develop a new team initiative that improves efficiency by 20% within three months
  • Lead a cross-functional team to complete a project within the given timeline 

6. Customer service goals

In customer service, it's not just all about getting the job done—it's also about delivering a positive experience to customers. Thus, organizations should set goals to ensure employees are providing the highest level of service possible, with measurable targets that can help assess performance over time.

These goals push employees to deliver exceptional experiences and build strong relationships with customers, which can make or break an organization’s reputation.

Examples of customer service goals include: 

  • Achieve a 90% positive feedback rating from customers within the next three months
  • Reduce average response time for inquiries/complaints to 24 hours or less in the next three months
  • Increase customer satisfaction rating by 5 points within the next 12 months

7. Sales goals

Hitting sales targets every single month is one of the most dreaded yet rewarding goals for both the employees and the organization. After all, it's what keeps the lights on!

Setting individual or team sales goals helps ensure that employees are doing their best to maximize profitability for the business while providing them with a sense of ownership and accomplishment when they meet or exceed their targets.

Examples of sales goals may include: 

  • Increase customer retention rate by 20% within the next quarter
  • Acquire 5 new accounts per month for three months
  • Achieve a 10% increase in gross revenue over the next year

8. Teamwork goals

Success in the workplace is not just an individual effort. It's always a combination of individual efforts coming together to produce great results and outcomes.

Teamwork goals are essential to ensure that employees can collaborate effectively and work in harmony with one another. Having a team-oriented mindset helps build trust and stronger relationships within the team and promotes an environment of mutual respect, open communication, and support.

Examples of teamwork goals include:

  • Collaborate on projects with three team members to increase efficiency by 20% over the next quarter
  • Resolve conflicts and disputes among team members by 50% in the next three months
  • Collect constructive feedback from peers to improve workflow and performance at least once per month

9. Professional development goals

Gone are the days when employees simply did the same job day in and day out. Nowadays, companies are looking for employees who can adapt to changing conditions and have the potential to grow professionally.

Setting professional development goals is beneficial not only for the employee’s career growth but also for the organization as a whole. These goals can help employees acquire new skills, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and remain competitive in the job market while contributing to the success of the company.

Examples of professional development goals include: 

  • Finish two training courses on software development over the next six months
  • Attend at least one industry conference or workshop within the year
  • Obtain at least one additional certification in the next two years

10. Soft skills goals

While performance goals often focus on tangible results, leaving soft skills out of the equation can make it more difficult for employees to thrive in the workplace.

Soft skills like communication, collaboration, empathy, and problem-solving can help employees become more valuable team members by honing their interpersonal capabilities and developing better ways of working with colleagues and interacting with customers and their stakeholders.

Examples of soft skills goals include: 

  • Practice active listening techniques by offering at least one feedback or suggestion during meetings
  • Create a self-development plan that outlines learning goals within the next 5 years
  • Do a self-reflection every week by writing down three learning points


Breaking down employee performance goals into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives is essential for building a high-performing workforce. It doesn't only provide a clear picture of what success looks like but also gives employees something tangible to strive for.

When it comes to successful goal setting, consider the types of employee performance goals outlined above, as well as examples that may inspire you to come up with unique goals for your team.