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Self performance review examples for employees

By Jostle

8 min read

Self performance review examples for employees
Illustration by Kevin Yu

In the realm of professional development, self performance reviews play a vital role in nurturing growth and fostering a sense of value and appreciation among colleagues, as well as the team as a whole.

Research shows that employees who feel valued are more likely to stay committed and engaged in their roles, reducing the likelihood of the "resignation equation." One crucial aspect of valuable employee recognition is the need to be listened to and acknowledged in the workplace, and feedback plays a pivotal role in meeting this need.

With this guide, employees can learn some effective self performance review examples, along with valuable insights that leave a lasting impact. By leveraging the power of self-reflection, individuals can showcase their achievements, evaluate their progress, and articulate their aspirations.

Let's get started. 

Understanding self performance reviews

Self performance reviews are a valuable tool for employees and managers to assess an employee's own performance, achievements, and areas for improvement within a professional setting. Following that, managers can also develop better ways to keep employees engaged.

Key elements of a self performance review typically include:

  • Accomplishments: Highlighting key goals and milestones attained during the review period.
  • Strengths: Identifying areas where the employee excels and brings value to their role or organization.
  • Areas for improvement: Acknowledging weaknesses or areas where development is needed.
  • Goals: Setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for future improvement and growth.
  • Action plans: Outlining strategies and steps to address areas for improvement and achieve the set goals.

The primary purpose of a self performance review is to promote self-awareness and encourage personal growth and development. By taking the time to evaluate their own performance, employees gain insights into their strengths and areas where they can enhance their skills or knowledge.

Engaging in self performance reviews offers several benefits. As a start, it allows individuals to take ownership of their professional development. Actively evaluating their performance makes them more responsible for their actions and progress. This sense of ownership fosters a proactive mindset and empowers employees to drive their own growth.

Furthermore, self-assessment encourages continuous improvement. This process of ongoing improvement contributes to professional growth and ensures that team members are consistently striving to achieve their full potential.

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Self performance review example categories

When conducting a self performance review, it is essential to assess various aspects of your professional journey comprehensively. Plus, self performance review examples are provided for each category to inspire when you create your own.

Goal achievement and results

You will evaluate your ability to set and achieve measurable objectives, demonstrate progress, and exceed expectations. Reflect on the goals you established, the strategies you employed to overcome challenges, and the outcomes you achieved.

Example: I diligently pursued strategies to expand our customer base and increase sales. By implementing targeted marketing campaigns and nurturing strong client relationships, I exceeded the set target by 20%. Despite market fluctuations and competitive challenges, I remained resilient and adaptable.

Job knowledge and skills

This category focuses on assessing your proficiency in core job responsibilities, identifying areas of strength, and recognizing opportunities for growth. Reflect on your knowledge and skills, efforts made to enhance them, and any notable achievements in this regard.

Example: I consistently maintained up-to-date knowledge of industry trends and utilized data analysis tools effectively, resulting in better decision-making and a 10% increase in efficiency. However, I recognize the need to improve my presentation skills to deliver information more effectively. I have enrolled in a presentation skills course and actively seek opportunities to practice public speaking.

Communication and collaboration


Communication skills include written and verbal communication, collaboration with team members and stakeholders, and handling conflicts or challenges. Reflect on instances where you excelled in communication and collaboration and how you resolved any difficulties.

Example: Throughout the year, my clear articulation and active listening skills contributed to strong working relationships. That said, it is still necessary for me to improve my conflict resolution skills, especially after getting off to a bad start with our new colleague. I aim to address conflicts with empathy and open dialogue, fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.

Leadership and initiative

Effective leadership requires self-confidence while constantly searching for answers and constantly reevaluating your decisions. This is how self performance reviews work for leaders as well.

In this category, you will reflect on your demonstration of leadership qualities, proactive initiative-taking, mentorship or support provided to colleagues, and any additional responsibilities or projects that are undertaken voluntarily.

Example: During a critical project with a tight deadline, I stepped up to lead the team, coordinating efforts and ensuring success. Nevertheless, I took on too many tasks instead of effectively distributing them among team members. To overcome this, I am actively working on studying effective delegation techniques and seeking guidance from experienced leaders. The goal is to empower team members to take on more responsibilities and foster a collaborative environment.

Personal development and learning

This centers around your engagement in continuous learning and professional development, participation in training programs, acquisition of new skills, and reflection on personal growth and areas for improvement.

Example: I actively searched for personal development and learning opportunities whenever I could. For instance, I recently enrolled in a digital marketing course to enhance my knowledge in that area. Additionally, I regularly reflect on my growth and seek feedback from peers and leaders. I'm glad to be committed to driving my personal development and contributing to the organization's success.

By examining your performance based on the appropriate categories, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your strengths, areas for improvement, and growth opportunities. Use these self performance review examples as a starting point to craft a thorough and insightful assessment that showcases your accomplishments and sets the stage for continued development.

Writing effective self performance review statements

Mastering the art of writing effective self performance review statements is a valuable skill that can propel your personal and professional development to new heights.

Using specific and measurable examples

When writing your self performance review, be sure to provide specific and measurable examples to support your statements. Instead of vague generalizations, provide concrete instances where you demonstrated a particular skill or achieved a specific outcome. This adds credibility to your review and allows your audience to better understand your contributions and capabilities.

Example: I successfully led a cross-functional team to implement a new project management system, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency and a 15% reduction in turnaround time.

Focusing on achievements and growth areas


Your self performance review should highlight both your achievements and areas for growth. Celebrate your accomplishments and showcase the positive impact you made on projects or initiatives.

At the same time, acknowledge areas where you could improve or develop further. This balanced approach demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to personal and professional growth.

Example: I successfully executed a marketing campaign that generated a 30% increase in website traffic and a 15% boost in lead conversions. I realize, however, that I must further develop my communication skills in order for stakeholders to receive my message effectively.

Balancing self-awareness and humility

It's important to strike a balance between acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments while also maintaining a humble attitude.

Be confident in highlighting your achievements but avoid sounding overly boastful or arrogant. Acknowledge the contributions of others and recognize the collaborative nature of your success.

Demonstrating self-awareness and humility in your review fosters a positive and cooperative work environment.

Example: I received positive feedback from clients for my exceptional customer service skills, which resulted in a 95% satisfaction rate. My time management could, however, be improved to ensure timely task completion and overall productivity.

Seeking feedback and input from colleagues or supervisors

Incorporating feedback from peers and managers into your self performance review adds valuable perspective. This not only shows your willingness to learn and grow but also demonstrates your ability to accept constructive criticism and apply it to your professional development.

Example: I actively sought feedback from team members and incorporated their suggestions to improve our project workflow, leading to smoother collaboration and increased efficiency.

Setting Actionable Goals for Future Improvement

A key aspect of a self-assessment is outlining actionable goals for future improvement. Identify areas where you want to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, or take on new challenges.

Example: Moving forward, I aim to enhance my leadership skills by enrolling in a leadership development program and actively seeking opportunities to mentor junior team members. My goal is to foster a supportive and collaborative team environment that promotes growth and drives exceptional results.

As you prepare to reflect on your achievements, growth areas, and future goals, remember that this process is not just about checking off boxes - it's an opportunity to craft a compelling narrative that showcases your unique contributions and demonstrates your dedication to continuous improvement.

Do’s and don'ts of self performance reviews


Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the world of performance reviews, it's important to know the dos and avoid the don'ts to make your self performance review as effective as possible.

Do’s to self performance reviews

  • Back up your statements with concrete evidence and specific examples to support your claims. This helps to add credibility to your review and provides a clear picture of your achievements or areas for improvement.
  • Approach your self performance review with honesty and objectivity. Present a balanced and fair assessment of your performance, highlighting both successes and areas for growth.
  • Use your self performance review as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and set goals for your future development. Demonstrate a growth mindset by discussing steps you plan to take to enhance your skills or overcome challenges.

Don'ts to self performance reviews

  • Avoid being overly critical of yourself or others in your self performance review. It is essential to maintain a constructive and professional tone. Approach feedback with an open mind and willingness to learn.
  • Avoid exaggerating or embellishing your accomplishments. Be truthful and provide accurate information about the outcomes and impact of your work.
  • Don't overlook or neglect areas where you can improve. Ignoring or downplaying your weaknesses can hinder your professional development and growth. Take the opportunity to identify areas where you can enhance your skills or acquire new ones.

Remember, the goal is to provide an honest and balanced assessment that demonstrates a commitment to growth and improvement.


A well-executed self performance review can be a game-changer in your professional development journey.

By actively engaging in self-reflection, seeking feedback, and setting actionable goals, you can continuously evolve and overcome the reasons employees struggle at work.

If you are honest, document your progress, and focus on improvement, you can make the most of this opportunity and take charge of your career. Good luck on your journey of self-discovery and growth!


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