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What is Employee Success? Definition and examples

By Randi Sherman

5 min read

What is Employee Success? Definition and examples
Illustration by Maya Ramadhina

Employee success means supporting employees to thrive and reach their full potential. 

Businesses now aim to build strong relationships and provide real value rather than purely seeking short-term profits. To enable this practice, many are focusing internally, putting effort into boosting the success and well-being of their teams. 

Employee success hinges on how well a company taps into fostering an environment where workers feel involved. 

When employees nail their personal goals and knock it out of the park for their company, that’s a win-win. Companies need to grasp how the elements of employee success boost team morale and productivity while also offering workers a sense of achievement and growth in their roles. 

Defining employee success 

Employee success aligns personal goals with the company’s objectives.  It comprises three critical components: engagement, enablement, and celebration. 

Engaged employees are emotionally connected to their jobs and are better performers. Conversely, equipping employees with what they need to thrive—be it training, tech, or support—really amps up their game at work. 

Celebrating achievements, whether tied to the company or not, means taking time to recognize and honor big victories and small triumphs across various aspects of life. 

Bring your people together

The importance of employee success 

Research has shown that companies with highly engaged employees outperform those that don’t by up to 202%. Engaged employees work harder, produce better quality work, and go about it with enthusiasm. 

When a company shows it truly cares about its employees’ health and happiness, that deep investment fosters strong loyalty in return. Top-tier firms create a vibe where everyone’s in on the action, bouncing off ideas and scaling up their skills for the long haul. 

The benefits of employee success 

Two of the most significant benefits of employee success are improved employee engagement and enhanced productivity and innovation. But what is the difference between employee engagement and success

Though the two go hand in hand, they are not quite the same. 

Just because employees are engaged doesn’t mean they’ll succeed. Employees can be engaged but not successful. Employee success, however, involves achieving personal and organizational goals. 

When employees feel valued, they are more productive, and their interpersonal work relationships thrive. 

When staff thrive, they are motivated to bring fresh ideas to the table, sparking innovation and improving processes for the betterment of the entire organization. 

Why zero in on employee success right now? 

With remote work reshaping our daily grind, nailing down strategies to keep everyone firing on all cylinders is more crucial than ever. 

The nature of work has changed in the past few years as remote work has become the norm for many. Employees now need more support than ever to stay productive in challenging times. 

Political and market instability has recently disrupted many industries, testing their resilience with unique challenges. Firms that develop programs to help their teams navigate these rough waters are likelier to keep their best people and stay on solid ground down the road. 

Impact on employee retention and satisfaction 

Cultures prioritizing employee success have higher employee retention and job satisfaction levels. And as most HR teams know, talent retention is now more crucial than ever. 

When employers arm their teams with the right tools, support, and know-how, they invest in a happier, more devoted workforce. Employees who feel supported by their organization are far more likely to be satisfied with their jobs, reducing the likelihood of burnout and attrition.

How to know it’s time to build a culture of employee success 

A high employee turnover rate, low morale, and employee burnout are clear indicators that success initiatives are needed. Benchmarking success indicators can help organizations evaluate their needs, which can be accomplished using pulse surveys

KPIs related to employee success include engagement, retention rates, and employee satisfaction. By keeping an eye on engagement, retention, and satisfaction levels, you can quickly pinpoint what needs to be dialed up a notch. 

Picking just the right moment to kick off a plan for boosting employee success is key—timing matters. Strategic planning helps ensure what we do matches what we need and want. Clear, ongoing chats about new plans are essential as they keep everyone on the same page and drive us towards our goals. Employees should be aware not only of the initiatives themselves but also of how the process can benefit them personally. When employees understand and trust the strategy, they will be your champions. 

Who’s responsible for ensuring employee success? 

A great boss is like a coach in the playoffs: they inspire their team, keep the dialogue flowing, and champion innovative plays. When leaders step up and set the standard, it creates a vibe where folks feel comfortable to speak their minds and toast each other’s wins. 

However, success initiatives should not be the sole responsibility of leadership. When leaders and their teams work together, everyone gets a stake in the game, making sure personal and company goals align. 

Leaders can boost team spirit by chatting often, encouraging thoughts and ideas, and providing opportunities to learn and grow. When you give team members the reins and show them how their efforts ripple through the company, they step up, owning their roles with a strong sense of responsibility. 

A winning company culture often grows from the seeds of regular, insightful feedback and one-on-one conversations with each team member. By rolling out thoughtful employee recognition programs, companies can show they’re all in on valuing their people.

Employees must also have the right resources to help them succeed. Tech tools, hands-on learning opportunities, and guidance from seasoned pros can all boost an employee’s ability to thrive on the job. 

Bosses need to spot and clear away the hurdles that stop their teams from shining, whether it’s not enough tools, too much on their plate, or muddled steps. When you give your team the right tools, they can really shine. 

Recognizing a job well done is vital; it gives team members the boost they need to keep shining. Acknowledging team members’ hard work boosts morale and shapes a workplace where effort and success are genuinely appreciated. Employees need acknowledgment of their efforts. Group activities, team-building events, and awards can be pivotal in fostering camaraderie and connection. 

Overcoming roadblocks 

The road to success is not always a smooth ride. Common hurdles include change resistance, inadequate tools, and poor communication. Identifying these barriers is the first step to overcoming them. 

To overcome these hurdles, leaders and their teams must pull together, prioritizing tactics that resonate with the company’s core mission and principles. Ensuring every team member’s voice is heard and sharing the load evenly plays a crucial role in driving achievement.

Employee success software 

Though employee success has many facets, the first step is to provide them with the resources they need to achieve their goals. Jostle integrates with the productivity apps your employees use while providing a user-friendly interface from which to stay connected and informed, no matter where one’s desk is located. 

Technology enables employee success at scale. Platforms like Jostle help businesses boost their teams’ success, providing a one-stop shop where staff can get their work done and stay in the loop with team and company updates. Request your demo today to learn how Jostle can take your employee success initiatives to new heights. 


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Randi Sherman

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