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10 employee recognition statistics you should know

By Jostle

5 min read

10 employee recognition statistics you should know
Illustration by Kevin Yu

In today's highly competitive business landscape, companies are constantly striving to boost employee morale, engagement, and productivity. While several strategies can contribute to a positive work environment, one of the most effective and often overlooked approaches is employee recognition. Acknowledging and appreciating employees' contributions can have a profound impact on their motivation, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

If you're a business leader or HR professional seeking evidence-based insights on the significance of employee recognition, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we present 10 compelling statistics that highlight the power and benefits of recognizing employees for their hard work and achievements.

From increased retention rates and improved team collaboration to heightened employee loyalty and enhanced company culture, the numbers speak for themselves. As you explore these eye-opening statistics, you'll gain a deeper understanding of why investing in employee recognition initiatives is a smart move for any organization.

Ten essential employee recognition statistics that need your attention

We have gathered significant employee recognition statistics to emphasize its significance and benefits. It sheds light on how your organization can benefit from well-implemented employee recognition programs and practices.  

  1. Organizations with recognition programs underway experience 28.6% lower frustration levels than organizations that don’t have ongoing programs.

The two biggest and most common workplace challenges are employee retention and recruitment. Globoforce and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) conducted a survey that found employee recognition programs positively affect both.

Moreover, receiving appreciation promotes excitement and satisfaction and significantly reduces frustration levels that lack recognition. Employee recognition statistics have been gathered to demonstrate its significance and benefits and show how well-implemented recognition programs can benefit your organization.

2. Employee recognition boosts employee productivity, engagement, and performance by 14%.

Research by Deloitte shows that the right recognition programs and tactics can significantly increase employee engagement, performance, and productivity. It is also a crucial non-financial factor that positively impacts employee retention. So, organizations must understand that recognition isn’t just limited to financial rewards but should ideally adopt other forms.    

3. 63% of employees who feel appreciated and recognized are unlikely to switch jobs and look for a new one.

According to this important employee recognition statistic, a lack of recognition from employers can lead employees to leave their jobs. There is a clear correlation between employee recognition and retention. Employees recognized for their efforts and dedication are more likely to feel valued and continue working at their current organization. 

Find out how Jostle promotes recognition at work

4. 52% of employees feel a lack of alignment between organizational goals and employee recognition programs.

Employee recognition programs must be holistic and aligned with your organizational goals. If your employee recognition practices aren’t delivering expected or desired results, they may not align with the company values. 

For an employee recognition program to work and make a difference in employee productivity, performance, and engagement levels, it must be an integral part of the organizational culture. 

5. According to 85% of HR leaders, employee recognition positively affects organizational culture, and 83% say it benefits organizational values. 

This employee recognition statistic shows that employee recognition positively correlates with an organization's values and culture, achieved through improved employee well-being, health, and retention. These benefits tend to create a huge impact that can significantly influence companies.

6. A survey on the type of employee recognition rewards revealed that 41% of the respondents were inclined to receive a paid trip with their peers, and 44% preferred gift cards as rewards.

Employee preferences are vital in determining motivation and satisfaction regarding employee recognition rewards. After all, each employee is unique, with different perspectives on an ideal employee recognition reward. It shows that what might make one employee feel recognized and appreciated won’t necessarily achieve the same response from other employees.

According to these employee recognition statistics, employers need to consider individual preferences when choosing the type of employee recognition reward. 

7. 72% of businesses agree that there’s a positive correlation between employee recognition and engagement.

In a report conducted by Harvard Business Review, respondents were asked about the essential factors contributing to employee engagement. About three-quarters of the executives said that employee recognition is one of the most critical elements that pave the way to employee engagement. They chose “recognition given for high performers” as the top factor that helps improve employee engagement within the workplace. 

8. Companies that implement effective recognition programs have reported 31% lower voluntary turnover.

Employee turnover is a serious challenge many organizations face, and there can be many reasons for that. It’s highly costly and can lead to additional expenses required for new recruitment and training, among other things.

So, as these employee recognition statistics suggest, you can significantly reduce employee turnover rates in your company by developing and implementing an effective employee recognition program. It will help boost employee morale, motivation, and happiness and prevent them from parting ways with your company. 

9. 81% of employees would work harder if their bosses showed more appreciation.

This employee recognition statistic shows how you don’t necessarily need fancy perks or monetary incentives to boost employee retention. Simply showing your employees enough appreciation and recognition for their work will give them the motivation they need to stay at the company and work harder.

According to the findings of this survey, more than half of the respondents said they would prefer to stay longer at the company if their managers and bosses appreciated them more. 

10. Almost 60% of employees would like to receive regular appreciation and thanks instead of an increase in salary without any recognition.

One might think that financial rewards and monetary incentives are the ultimate employee recognition factor to motivate and engage employees, but research suggests otherwise. 

According to a survey, employees would choose to work in a company with an employee recognition culture over one that pays more without praise or acknowledgment for their work.

Final word

Employee recognition statistics prove that praising employees, showing them appreciation, and even saying a simple thank you can boost their engagement levels, retention, and motivation to perform better.

Employee recognition impacts different aspects of a company, including its work culture, performance, employee success, and overall growth.   


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