The latest product updates from Jostle

Honey Release 🍯

Written by Michelle Su | July 17, 2019

Released on 2019 July 17

What's new

  • Events: new RSVP settings
    For Events where you’d like to limit the number of attendees due to capacity, you can now use the new RSVP settings. The next time you host a super popular event, Events can help you manage the number of attendants and the waitlist so that you don’t have to awkwardly un-invite a coworker.

    Who can do this: Events Creators and Managers.

  • Tasks: Beta updates
    We added new sorting filters so that you can more easily collaborate with and assign tasks to others.

    If you have email, browser, or mobile notifications turned on, they now have a link that you can click to take you directly to the task assigned.

    To get someone’s attention and make sure everyone’s in the loop, you can now use @mentions in the comments.

    Who can do this: users in orgs who are Beta testing Tasks.

    PLUS 62 other bug fixes and/or performance enhancements.


Did you know that a key part of the honey creation process involves groups of bees digesting, then regurgitating, flower nectar—which they pass along from bee to bee? Ick.

Although, once you consider that the possibly oldest alcoholic beverage in the world is made from honey (mead aka honey wine, dates back 9,000 years), the fact that bees throw it up after consuming large quantities doesn't seem that odd anymore.