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People at Work, Episode 7: Nate Klemp on how to get happy with habits

Written by Bev Attfield | Jun 17, 2019 5:00:00 PM

Did you know that 40% of your behaviors every day are the result of habituated actions operating below your level of awareness? Habits can dictate the quality of our lives without us even knowing it. That’s why it’s critical that we understand the role that habits play in our wellbeing and happiness. Enter Nate Klemp.

Nate has spent most of his life figuring out happiness. From the halls of Princeton and Stanford to the yoga mat, and many explorations in between, Nate has discovered that habit mastery is a critical driver of a happy life.

In this episode of People at Work, Nate digs into the nature of habit and how it’s connected to happiness. He also shares his key framework for getting ahead of habits. By employing his three steps (notice > shift > rewire), you can learn to use habit to your advantage in every aspect of your life—especially at work.

Listen to the episode

“It's so important to focus on habit if you're talking about wellbeing or happiness, because what you're really talking about is how you assess your ordinary habits: are those actions that control your behavior throughout the day serving you or not?”

Nate Klemp

Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Life Cross Training (LIFE XT)

About Nate Klemp

Nate is a writer, philosopher, and entrepreneur who helps customers in law enhance employee engagement by using mindfulness and wellbeing to improve work performance. He loves to hike the mountains of Boulder, Colorado with his family.

Along with Eric Langsure, Nate is co-author of the NYT bestseller “Start Here: Master the Lifelong Habit of Wellbeing”.

Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Life Cross Training (LIFE XT)


Resources cited in this episode

David Sinclair on the Rich Roll Podcast

All Joy and No Fun by Jennifer Senior

Free Will by Sam Harris