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Love should be part of business says Dr. Bruno Cignacco

Written by Bev Attfield | Jan 18, 2021 5:42:04 PM

Do you use the word “love” at work? Not in the romantic sense, but to express yourself to coworkers, support them, and show that you care. Maybe you feel uncomfortable with this idea.

According to Dr. Bruno Cignacco, the humanistic connotation of love, which includes compassion, empathy, support, generosity, and gratitude, is critical for leadership and business success. 

In this latest episode of People at Work, Bruno reflects on why we should bring love into business, and what this means for the experience that people have at work. It extends to everything we do, how we speak, how we lead, and what we focus on.

Human beings are the life force of any organization. Much like water and sunshine to plants, love is what helps humans thrive. We must find a way to make love more present at work. Our profits and our purpose depend on it.

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“Love also applies to business relationships.”

Dr. Bruno Cignacco

Training Consultant, Human Oriented Enterprise


Dr. Bruno Roque Cignacco (PhD) has advised and trained hundreds of companies on international trade activities and international marketing for over 20 years. He’s a university lecturer, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and an author of books on business and personal development. His new book is titled The Art of Compassionate Business: Main Principles for the Human-Oriented Enterprise. When he isn’t thinking about business, Bruno likes to scuba dive in the deep sea waters all over the world.



Bruno’s Personal website 

Human Oriented Enterprise website

The Art of Compassionate Business: Main Principles for the Human Oriented Enterprise