Jostle Blog: Explore Employee Success Insights & Ideas

Five for Friday: New rules for hiring

Written by Bev Attfield | Apr 1, 2016 4:53:59 PM

If people are the true engine of the organization, then hiring is critical. And there’s no shortage of new thinking and new tech flooding the HR industry to support this. Here are some of the best insights we’ve seen recently:

  1. Money isn’t everything in hiring the best. (@DataXu)
  2. Leveraging external talent: How PwC and The Washington Post hire the best. (@HarvardBiz)
  3. Hiring for workplace diversity has bottom line benefits. (@WSJ)
  4. Google finds a combination of skills and conscientiousness are best predictors of performance. (@LaszloBock2718)
  5. Jeff Atwood suggests that rules and biases are not helping at all. A refreshingly different approach. (@codinghorror


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