Jostle Blog: Explore Employee Success Insights & Ideas

City administrators confirm that the unique Jostle platform tackles painful organizational complexity

Written by Don Wadsworth | Jun 6, 2011 11:04:35 AM

Our countless conversations confirmed that Jostle addresses a burning pain in municipal organizations. Small or large, centralized or dispersed, stable or growing, all cities have a high level of complexity to contend with. In fact, most administrators we spoke with had simply regarded this as a challenge that would never go away…

Imagine their reaction when we told them we had a solution? Faces lit up and ideas began flying… Chaos can be tamed!

Here are the complexity tamers that most delegates connected with:

  • Understanding cross-silo teams: How do I quickly see who’s on which committee or special project? How do I understand the deployment of resources? How do I know how many external contributors are on our teams? How do I get in touch quickly with committee members?
  • Seeing the many hats people wear: How do I know I’m not burning someone out by having them on too many committees, in addition to their “regular” job? How do I identify employees not being used to their full capacity? How do I show how crazily spread out my job is?
  • Emergency response management: Who’s the person to call when a specific skill or asset is needed? How do we get in touch with them quickly if they’re on vacation or not on our city email or phone system? Who’s next in line if we can’t get a hold of the primary contacts?
  • Sustainability initiatives: Who’s on our various committees? How do I know if we’ve got the right skills on our projects? Who else is available and qualified to help?

This super connected group of professionals is used to collaborating and sharing ideas amongst themselves. But they’re often in the dark when it comes to their own organization. It was wonderful validation that all the efforts the Jostle team has put in over the past two years answer a very real need.

Thanks again CAMA – see you at next year’s conference in Saskatoon!

P.S. Congratulations again to Doug Holmes of the City of Nanaimo for winning the Jostle door prize!