The latest product updates from Jostle

Lemon Release 🍋

Written by Vince Forrington | September 13, 2019

Released on 2019 Sep 15

What’s new

  • More options for Classifieds listings
    Classifieds, (which System Administrators can already rebrand with a custom name in Admin Settings > Platform > Enabled/Disabled Features), becomes even more flexible with the arrival of custom-made categories.

    Previously, "For Sale" and "Wanted" were the only types of listings available, but now News Editors can click the "Manage Categories" gear icon in the top corner of Classifieds to add new categories for any type of listing, from "Shift Swap" to "Internal Job Posting" to whatever works best for their org.

    When creating a listing, users will be able to pull up the new Category selection menu under Options.

Who can do this: Orgs with Classifieds enabled (News Editors can create and manage categories and all users can use them).

          PLUS  58 other bug fixes and/or performance enhancements.

Did you know that the use of "lemon" as a negative connotation dates back hundreds of years? Lemons were used to describe things that were unwanted or had a disappointing result because, while useful in cooking, people found lemons on their own to be just sour lumps wrapped in a tough skin. Eventually this shorthand for something that looks nice but is fairly useless found the perfect fit in the used-car game, to the point where today if anything is referred to as a “lemon”, it's almost always vehicular in nature.

And how does this tie into the other famous lemon-negative, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? It doesn't. That's just another way of saying "when life gives you something sour, make it into something sweet" not "when life gives you a junky car, melt it down and sell it for scrap".