Jostle Blog: Explore Employee Success Insights & Ideas

Warren Te Brugge on Shifting Mindsets

Written by Jostle | Dec 2, 2011 9:45:07 AM

A guiding design principal for our Jostle People Engagement™ platform is to allow people, content and location to dance, always within tight context of each other. And we are all about unifying organizations and amplifying their culture. So we loved this post by Warren Te Brugge, a Principal at Manzimvula, a consulting firm that helps companies unleash hidden capacity, engage teams and spark breakthrough performance. You can find the original post here.

Uniting Silos: Creating a common, fluid whole

An organizational community demands coherent contributions from diverse departments and speacialties-contributions that see beyond specific roles to a uniting perspective that transforms employees and working teams into thriving cultures of achievement.

By amplifying all the perspectives in an organization, we give life to an organizational voice—a common language that speaks to collective value and connected culture.

Unifying Perspective: In order to move from common purpose to creating a unified organization we must ensure everyone understands the language we are using. In other words we need to ensure that the language we use in our daily operations and discussions is interpreted consistently and accurately. By developing this common language we create an understanding that unites the departmental teams and the organization. This language flows both within and without the organization to embrace and empower the entire organizational community.
By aligning departmental goals around a common language, the interpretation of the organizational goals becomes consistent. This creates an environment for individual, team and department goals and objectives to truly align. A Culture of Achievement emerges.

A Culture of Achievement: A Culture of Achievement is unified around a common language whereby teams look to their overall goals, strategies and actions to drive a common purpose and achievement. Teams goals become synergistic and collaborative. Parallels emerge and departmental goals become extension of the whole, driving the organizational strategies and creating achievements celebrated by all members of the organizational community. Expanding the organization’s reach and the effects of decisions and actions now become the culture. Innovation and creativity thrive in the appropriate areas of the business, driving sustainable resource management and results that count across the entire organizational community.

The integrative model fosters collaboration across the organizational community. The resulting culture embraces People | Planet | Passion | Purpose | Profit - a fluid whole.