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The importance of community with Obi Omile Jr.

Written by Dustin Tysick | Jan 7, 2021 4:46:01 PM

There is nothing worse than poor customer service. You know the feeling, being put on hold for hours, having your questions ignored, or simply failing to get the attention of the snobbish sales representative. It never feels good. That’s why when Obi Omile Jr. set out to build theCut he knew that he wanted his customers to feel a sense of community. He wanted them to connect with him, his brand, and his mission. And the key to making that happen? Just be human, accessible, and authentic. Sounds easy enough but as you grow it’s one of the hardest things to scale.

In this episode, I chat with Obi about how he built his community, how he was fortunate enough to help them out during the pandemic, and what’s up next for him.

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“We try to make sure every touchpoint we have is as friendly and authentic as possible.”

Obi Omile Jr.

Co-founder and CEO, theCut


Obi is co-founder & CEO of theCut, the largest technology platform modernizing the barbershop experience for barbers and the people who need them. theCut boasts more than 70K barbers, 2M users, and over 15M appointments booked nationwide, disrupting the $20B barbershop market.

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