Jostle Blog: Explore Employee Success Insights & Ideas

Five for Friday: Distractions at work

Written by Andrea Nazarian | Jul 22, 2016 5:00:04 PM

As workers in today’s digital age, we're bombarded with more distractions than ever before. Managing these workplace diversions is a huge part of getting our tasks done efficiently and keeping our workflow organized. Here are five strategic insights on how to overcome the digital disturbances that affect us daily.

1. We at @JostleMe wrote an article on six ways to cut through noise at work.

2. Managing your team’s attention is just as important as managing your own. @JBirkinshaw explores this idea further in his piece for @HarvardBiz.

3. In his article for @Inc, @ErikSherman gives us tips and tricks to overcome the five biggest distractions at work (and in life, too!).

4. Dorit Perry of @meeteorHQ compiled three insightful thought leadership articles on the ins and outs of managing workplace diversions.

5. A distracted and overwhelmed team can affect your company’s bottom line. @terriegan and Suzanne Lahl give us three fixes to this costly problem in their article for @Entrepreneur.


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