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Are you prepared to love ‘em or lose ‘em asks Dr. Bev Kaye

Are you prepared to love ‘em or lose ‘em asks Dr. Bev Kaye

By Bev Attfield

2 min read

When your team members wake up in the morning, do they want to come to work?

It’s worth reflecting on that question. The answer could tell you a ton about your own leadership, the degree of intellectual stimulation on offer, and the quality of your workplace culture and relationships.

If you don’t like the answer you get, then it’s time for change. Because if you don’t make sure the answer is positive, someone else is eagerly waiting to make up for what you’re lacking.

Employee retention isn’t a burden for leaders. It’s exactly the opposite. Dr. Bev Kaye has been thinking about this opportunity for leaders for over 40 years. She thinks of retention as caring for people rather than simply trying to keep them.

Bev joined me on People at Work to get to the heart of the matter. She shares a few key tips for leaders that don’t involve rocket science. It’s simply about human-to-human relating, that starts with noticing employees and what matters to them. Now more than ever, you’ll want to hear a resounding “Yes” when your people open their eyes every day.

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“Managers, ask what you can do to keep your people.”

Dr. Bev Kaye

Author and Founder & CEO, BevKaye&Co.


Dr. Beverly Kaye is recognized internationally as one of the most knowledgeable and practical professionals in the areas of career development and employee engagement and retention. Bev is a transplanted Jersey girl who has made her home in Los Angeles with her husband, Barry, and near her daughters, Lindsey and Jill.

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Download a free excerpt from the sixth edition of Dr. Kaye’s international bestseller, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em: Getting Good People to Stay.

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Bev Attfield

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