Jostle Blog

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Welcome to CRB 3.0!


The Customer Resources blog (aka the CRB) has always been a repository of best practices, helpful tips, and general user information in regards to the Jostle platform and its features. These articles are regularly updated and specifically designed to be easily pulled into the News views of our customers' platforms so they can be shared with all users. 

Some of you may also be aware that we have another article repository, one that contains articles with more of a community-based focus, as well those which contain more timely, admin-level info and updates. This content currently lives in our customer community, The Junction. But we’ve come to realize that it just doesn’t make sense to have all this great content and NOT make it available to as many people as possible. So to fix that, we’re migrating it over to the CRB!

In order to manage our new combined-content blog, we’ve revamped our categories so you can easily separate the classic CRB all-user content (User Education, In The Workplace) from the more admin-leaning, Junction-esque articles (Info For Admins, Customers & Community, Campaigns & Resources).

Here’s the new category breakdown:

User Education (formerly Views & Features and Best Practices)

Feature-focused tips and best practices to help users get the most out of their Jostle platform. Designed to be easily reposted in your own News view as Web Articles.

In The Workplace (formerly Workplace Topics)

Need some fresh content for your News view? These articles on relevant workplace issues and topics are designed to be easily reposted in your News view as Web Articles.

Info For Admins (new)

News ranging from upcoming product changes to view-specific information to help System Admins and View Admins get the most out of their Jostle platform.

Customers & Community (new)

Get to know the Jostle community! Spotlights on Jostle customers and how they found success using the Jostle platform, profiles on the people behind the scenes at Jostle, and more!

Campaigns & Resources (new)

The category where we’ll share pre-built campaigns, engaging content packages, and creative guides to using your platform in specific workplace situations.

We’ve already begun reassigning some classic CRB articles to more appropriate new categories, and we’ll be spending the remainder of 2021 migrating content from The Junction over to The CRB (as well as posting new content). So be sure to check back frequently to see what new goodies we have waiting for you!