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When we fail, we grow with Shani Magosky

2 min read

When we fail, we grow with Shani Magosky

In this episode of People at Work, Shani Magosky joins us to talk about the importance of embracing failure.

If you’re a recovering perfectionist like me, you’ll know that failure and making mistakes don’t sit well. Where in the past I focused on the perfect score in any endeavor, I’ve now come to value the jagged edges of things unfinished, unsolved, and never meant to be.

Shani Magosky brings the idea of embracing failure into focus. She believes there are types of failure that can help us grow, innovate, adapt, and improve. Most of these don’t even get us into a lot of trouble (except for the mistakes around law breaking, which are generally not encouraged). 

But why then do we shy away from not getting things right the first time or at all? Shani talks through the psyche around mistake making and how humans can learn to accept and even welcome failure as a prerequisite for success.

According to Shani, we’re never done failing because there really is no such thing as perfection. So, get messy and make mistakes—it’s good for you (and everyone around you!).

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“If we’re not failing, we’re not growing.”

Shani Magosky

Founder and Coach, The Leadershift Project


Shani Magosky founded The Leadershift Project based on years of experience working with leaders of all levels and a desire to change organizations by helping people become better leaders- of others and themselves. 

In her free time, you can find Shani rock climbing, mid-vinyasa at her favorite yoga studio, hurtling down black diamond slopes, riding her Harley, or kicking back to watch some college football.

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Check out The LeaderShift Project website for free resources and book recommendations by Shani.

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Bev Attfield

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