A strategy that is at odds with a company’s culture is doomed
To right an organisation headed for trouble, you need to build a culture that supports strategy implementation.
Give employees a reason to care about your customers, their colleagues, and about how to do business right in a world that rewards cutting corners and compromising values.
Culture trumps strategy every time – Build a culture that supports strategy
During a transformation/change management/turnaround, don’t focus exclusively on distinguishing yourself from the competition, find what brings you together as a company. It may be values, a vision, or a set of shared emotions. Articulate this sense of unity well and the business will follow.
Build a culture that supports strategy
Culture is not just something that happens outside of a business
Culture is not just one aspect of the game, it is the game - Lou Gerstner
Business leaders need to be aware that culture is not just something that happens outside of a business. Companies large and small have their own cultures as well.A culture can happen spontaneously within a company, and managers can learn how to harness its power or be overpowered by it. Managers can also take an active part in shaping an organizational culture, to try to ensure that it benefits the company’s goals and its employees.
Changing the organizational culture requires time
Changing the organizational culture requires time, commitment, planning and proper execution – but it can be done.
Short URL & title: Build a culture that supports strategy implementation — http://www.torbenrick.eu/t/r/srd
Torben Rick is an experienced senior executive, both at a strategic and operational level, with strong track record in developing, driving and managing business improvement and development, change management and turn-around. He has international experience from management positions in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.
Torben Rick
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