Benefits of a Silent Worker Bee

By Chiara Knapman

1 min read

Benefits of a Silent Worker Bee

The worker bee’s personality in the workplace is usually misunderstood because they are often stereotyped as giving little feedback, doing what they are told, and avoiding workplace disharmony.

However what we tend to forget is that worker bees are also introverts. If you work with one you will notice they usually tend to be:

  • more focused
  • calm others around them
  • thoughtful thinkers that can dig deep with problems that others may quickly pass over

How is managing introversion different?

Introverts are not necessarily shy; their values are simply placed differently than that of an extrovert. Extroverts tend to place importance on interaction and contact and in effect become energized by the outer world. Introverts rely more on ideas, reflection and memories.

How can we enable them in the work space?

A manager can help introverted employees work at their optimum by using the following strategies:

  1. Create structure
    Giving them a sense of time and clarifying expectations will help put them be put at ease.
  2. Respect their bubble
    Introverts re-energize when left alone to reflect and assess their ideas in detail.
  3. Encourage Virtual Communication
    Pacing your questions and encouraging virtual communication methods will reduce stress and enable introverts to manage questions more effectively.

In today’s diverse workplace, it is important for managers to be attuned to the various personalities in their office. If you're a silent worker bee, or introvert, we'd love to hear your thoughts and solutions.


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Chiara Knapman

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